Thursday, November 15, 2012


Friends are awesome….

They say you’ll get to know who your friends are when things are hard, well… I ended up having more friends than I thought I had then… well, sort off…

Over the years I’ve gathered a solid "core" of really really good and close friends, and they stayed in that core, encouraging me when I was down,  telling me that things would work out, visiting me over time, walking with me, looking out for steps, drops, potholes and all that stuff,  calling me, emailing & “Facebooking” me.. (yeah, I know I couldn’t see…. but that’s why zoom is invented on browsers)

I suppose that this is where “Karma” comes in a bit, as at other times I’d like to think I (would) have done similar to, for and with those same friends…

Interestingly though, I got a lot of support from what a lot of people call Facebook “friends”. People (and family ) that aren't really your friends, but who over the years have walked in and out of my life, but somehow via facebook they all came together.

I had taken to posting regular updates after Doctors visits, my Surgery or anything else that was happening, and gotten so much heartening support out of it , ranging from the US, to Australia, to All over Europe..

It was so heartening that sometimes I just felt bad if I felt down again, as let’s face it, how can you feel down with all this support…

So yeah, Friends (and family) rock… 

My life has slightly moved on over the last 9 months, and a big chunk of my personal life/ situation has changed.. (no doubt more about that in another post) but one thing I’m very grateful for is that in this new situation  I seem to have met at least 1, if not 2 more people who seems to have come part of that  “core” who obviously weren't there during  the “blurry” times, but seem to have been fairly involved with the “aftercare”
Will they really end up being part of that "core"? Time will tell....

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