Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pills n Thrills

One of the things you tend to do when you are on sickleave is read or watch telly...
Just a few things i couldn't really do anymore ....

Initially i resorted to one of my favorite past times, listening to music a lot. .. and for a while Spotify  and my CD collection (especially the latest live performance recording of Counting Crows's August and everything after) were my dearest friends, but that did get slightly boring after a while, so I  decided to switch to audiobooks and give that a try....

Now, remember I was taking 3 Tramadol's a day for my headaches, and although you think you're fine and know exactly what you are doing when you are on these pills are not.... (in fact I was told months later of things that had happened which still to this day I have no recollection off )

However, as said I was ready to tackle audiobooks,  and out of anything I could've started with. I started with the ,Millennium Trilogy' (the girl with the dragon tattoo etc)

I'll admit they aren't high quality literature,  but to me it ended up being one of the most intense "reading" experiences I've ever had....and its save to say that I now have a bit of a soft spot for them now... I think I went through the whole trilogy in the space of 5 days,re-living the books at night in my sleep... well, same characters, different stories ... the thing about those books are already that a lot of stuff happens to a lot of people , and I basically had the whole experience amplified by my opiate intake .....

Sometimes being on sickleave isn't all bad I guess ....

I wonder how this would have been when it would've been this years reading sensation "50-shades" though.......

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