But, I had to do stuff…
Most importantly, I had been “hunting” for a place to live…
We lived round about the London/ Heathrow area for the last
3years orso, and although that was fine, my Head Office was in the East
Midlands, and most of the time I was “on the road” anyway, so it didn’t make a
massive difference of where I lived. However, I was looking to return to work
soon, and looking for accommodation due to the breakup with my girlfriend.
Now, I figured that having missed out on work for the last
7/8months I must be behind on things happening, and probably forgotten a couple
of things as well, so why stay inside the M25, and not just go live closer to
the office, and work there if I’m not “on the road…” ?? made sense..
So there I went, looking for accommodation. . I had a plan, I had figured that after
spending so much time “in my Head” over the months before, getting a place just
for myself, might not be the best idea ever… so maybe a house share might be
the way forward. I had found 3 suitable places and one flat for me on my own as
well, just in case… I had settled on an easy commutable place 20 minutes away from
our office, and went to meet the people I had contacted… but…. Eh.. how do you approach
the subject, that normally you might function ok-ish, but today they will be
meeting someone with silly yellow specs and a cane….?
With a sense of humour seems to be the answer… no fretting,
just put it out there, make a joke or 2 about possibly tripping somewhere and
it all just flows…
All of this might sound weird, and maybe it shouldnt be someothing to worry about in the first place, but I have found over the
last couple of months that there are many times I have had to explain my situation
and what it means… maybe more, as because of work I ended up re-locating again
only months later to the Asia Pacific region, where I met new colleagues
Customers and Friends… and sometimes it’s not relevant, but when you do spent a
lot of time together it does become relevant..
In the end I settled on a house-share where I had a lot of
space for myself, but still would, if needs be, be able to socialise with the family
I was sharing with, and that ended up being a pretty good idea
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