“Ok, go and contact your GP, let them give you a sick-note and go
and get well, there is nothing else to it... don’t worry about it, just get
And with that a 6/7 month period of uncertainty started….
So, I had to call my boss and tell him, “sorry Allan, I can’t
see properly anymore and my headaches are getting too heavy to
even have a proper conversation over the phone with a client” (I had just
spoken to a client and I hope she knew what I was talking about as I definitely didn't have a clue for sure….)
What my issue was is that over the previous 9/10months orso, my
vision had started to get blurry.
Well, imagine watching a 3D movie without the glasses, or when you
see a “mirage” on a hot asphalt road, where you see a car reflected going
“downwards” … ad this together, and then with more distortion…(don't worry, i'll load some pix at a later stage for more clarification)
Anyway, all of this started in a mild form all those months ago, with the feeling that there
were “like little drops of water” in front of my cornea and it just got gradually
Problem was, the specialist I initially ended up visiting said it
had to do with a squint I had when I was a kid. “just come back in six months’
time and hopefully we can then see a difference that we can act upon…”
So I waited, and It got
worse, so bad that in reality driving became a danger, and the only way I could
look at my work computer was by squinting my eyes close together …
As things got tougher I figured, well if I can’t have an earlier
appointment, I’ll just get some glasses fitted in the meantime.
So I went and visited the optician, and that only freaked me out
more, as he ended up pretty freaked out himself, because the results of any test he did didn’t
make sense.. so he got me fast tracked to see the specialist again, this time
he took me slightly more serious and spoke about brain scans ( as blurry Vision
and headaches might be something else than a ocular problem… )
And that’s where we are now, waiting for that brain scan, whilst
not being able to make sense to people, having constant headaches and seeing
oh well…..
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