Having said that however, it was still nice to get invited
on a small trip to Phuket with my Buddy Huai Bin.
Himself and 2 other bloggers were invited to experience the
newly refurbished and re-launched Outrigger - Laguna Beach Resort in Phuket. And I was allowed to come along for the ride.
Having sort of Lived “out of Suitcase” for most of the previous
year whilst working and settling in Australia and Malaysia it was nice chance
to have a break and actually have space in my Hotel room….(I had in all honesty
already had a nice little 3 day break in Bali in December with a good friend,
but this wee trip to Phuket was free d-:
When invited to go on these trips you are kind of expected
to review the place you stay at as well, (when I was in Hotel management myself,
we used to have bloggers and Journo’s over frequently in the hope they would
score us favourably… and since I only worked in excellent hotels I can tell you
that Favourable reviews were always on the agenda.. ;-) ) Luckily I wasn’t asked to participate in
reviewing, I was just enjoying the stay … IT was up to my travel companions to
blog about our stay… and here and here are Huai Bin’s review…
Initially I thought I had the perfect angle… “The Vision
challenged experience” see how things go when you sometimes have some sight
issues… how do hotels accommodate for that etc?… then I thought about it and laughed
out loud….
Why would I do that… ? So far, my entries have been about ,
getting on with it, not letting limitations get the best of you… so would
reviewing a hotel on how it handles the “less abled ones” be a thing to do in
my case? Nah… never….
And rest assured… the hotel didn’t limit me in anyway… all
was nice and even, and smooth, no potholes or level floor changes I could trip
over… the only thing that caused me grieve was some sand from the beach (when I
was on the beach) that blew into my eye and started irritating in between my
contacts and I had to take them out… wow… nothing to do with the hotel
anyways.. More with my own stupidity for not wearing shades (-:
So then what? Judge it on my professional experiences? Yeh,
why not? …well…. I got to a conclusion on that as well….. the NOT that is…. Its
work!!!!!! I’ve spent the bulk of my living/working hours since 1995 inside a
hotel in one way or another…. So when I’m at a nice relaxing resort… do I want
to start taking notes? Nah… not really… .. (or at least, not for now anyway)
I can tell you it was nice and relaxing though… that I had some
great food, one of the longest breakfasts I’ve had for a long long long time, (and
that says a lot for someone that doesn’t really do breakfast in the first
place) I can tell you that the Night
market in Phuket was amaaaaaaazing, and that I had a great Thai massage in a
rickety old Beach Bar from a lovely little lady that tortured me and my feet…. But
if you really want a review…. Read the ones Huai Bin did…